We support universities and research-focused organisations in the delivery of research and professional skills for individuals whose primary role is undertaking research. Our particular strength in this area lies in the fact that our team has a wide range of research experience, a detailed understanding of research processes and methodologies and many years of experience in supporting researchers. Workshops include:
- Developing your research strategy
- Introduction to management for postdoctoral researchers
- Research project management
- Project-managing your PhD
- Leadership (ranging from one-day to four-day programmes)
- Preparing for your viva
- Presentation skills
- Conferencing and networking
- Undertaking literature reviews
- Career development
- Developing self-confidence
- Resilience
- Building effective collaborations
- Working effectively with industry
- Time management
We can also supply full solutions for the development of professional skills linked to large research programmes and collaborations such as Marie Curie Initial Training Networks.